14 Ekim 2011 Cuma

Our Grandmother's Chests

 I thınk ıts not necessary to repeat again and again that we love old things.If we want to use some vıntage object in our house,chests and valıses are so suitable for this concept.You can use it like accessories or you can also use it like a low table.Its useful to store up things.In general these objects are grandmothers favourites so if you dont want to walk around you can take a look at her's.But ıf you like to hang around antique stores like me,ı am sure you can find scathless and still usable ones.It won't be easy to come by.

6 Ekim 2011 Perşembe

Hotel FOX

                                               Two Swans                                              

                                             King's Forest



One day if you visit Copenhagen ,there is a must-seen hotel which is Hotel Fox.In total it has a 61 rooms and they are designed in different styles.Rooms designed by 21 different illustrators,graphic designers and graphitti designers all around the world and who are the best in the sector.Each room is an artwork individually.You can find as many concept as  you can imagine, like street art ,fairy tales and  imaginary monsters etc...Actually it's a wrong  declaration because you can experience one of these styles that you cant even ımagıne.If you visit the Hotel's web site you’ll  find more information about the rooms and designers ..Hotel Fox

20 Eylül 2011 Salı

Dynamic Yellow

Yellow represents lively and fresh.Its the shiniest colour of the pallete.So it diffuses the energy to the place where you use it.Yellow is the color which ı lıke  best in interior so i don't want to continue without mention it.When we use yellow the tones are also important.Because when it's getting closer to green its symbolizes negative things and cowardice.There is another thing that yellow  represents ;consumption.After a while it can be annoying,and ıt makes us get bored.So we should arrange it's dose carefully.Especially in low ceilings and dark places we may prefer yellow.So it reflects the lights more and make it shinier.Living rooms and kitchens are suitable for usıng yellow.But there is one more thing that we should be careful about;in nurseries or childrens rooms, yellow makes them cry and they find it difficult to sleep.It is a result of a researches.And this was a little note for you from me.

19 Eylül 2011 Pazartesi

For who cares about their comfort...

Who said the hammacks are only for gardens? I haven’t thought before but after i saw this ,i really like it and i’ve found so many version on the ınternet.Don’t you think that they are so comfortable? If we have to be realistic ,in our little houses,our little living rooms or somewhere else ,we can’t design a place like that easily.But if we can arrange a little corner it makes the place so bohemian.It can be more suitable for a reading corner.When you come home you can leave all you stress in this relaxation corner.I like this idea very much especiallly the last picture.Its not as big as the other samples.It's not a thing that we can't apply.If one day i will move ınto a bıg house ,this idea is one of the priority things on the list.

4 Temmuz 2011 Pazartesi

These Stairs Are So Enjoyable

I guess when we decorate our houses ,the stairs are the last thing that we think about.I mean, we think about the materials like wood or marble or something else.Or we definitely think about the handrails.But we miss an important point; zinging up the  front surface of stairs.I’ve found too many samples on the ınternet.These are the ones which i like most.We can cover with ceramic,or we can paint different color on each step.If we  find a good template we can paint with it.It is up to our joy.If you have  stairs in your house it may be useful to check these samples.

20 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi

Wall to Wall Drawingboards

 This boards aren't even used at school anymore.When we think that they are left in past ,they have already got their place in our houses.As well as the bigger ones are as well trendy.I prefer wall to wall ones,but it depends on you and your joys.We may use them in kitchens in a classic way but i think it will be something different to use them in  children’s rooms.It helps to ımprove childrens creativity and also you will have fun when you are doing it.You may make a great concept in kitchens and dining rooms especially with the wall to wall ones.It will be diffent to prefer boards to wallpapers.You may write the menu of the day ,or the lyrics of a song that you like and maybe the quotes which express your feelings of the day.If you live in a crowded family,it may be a funny way to communicate.

16 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

Summer Has Come ,Time To Color!

I think my mind is busy with chairs these days.These wroght iron chairs,which  was designed by David La Versha,are so enjoyable.I couldn’t decide  which color and the model are the best .It is suggested for exteriors but definitely  it will be a great alternative for the kitchens.Because of being a special design ,they’re a bit expensive .
$ 248.00 per one.You can order from the different internet sites.But there is one other option;you can have them made. Maybe they won’t be the same as the originals but you can have them in your own design  for a more cheaper price.They don't have to be the same also,i love the idea more than the chairs.

14 Haziran 2011 Salı

Hotel Moschino

I ‘ve talked about the caravan penthouses  in Cape Town before.And Hotel Moschino in Milan is also  one of the hotel which i hope  to stay one day.It was used as a train station in the 1840s and then  renovated  to the amazing hotel.It was designed by Stefano Urgalo and the design director of Moschino ,Rosella Jardini.They designed 16 different concepts for 65 rooms.You may want to stay in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and having a tea time on the table which is like a coffee cup.Or  you’ll stay in ‘Life is a bed of roses’ and sleep within the roses.Maybe you  prefer ‘Clouds’ for having a  peaceful dreams between sheep and clouds.And the lightings in a shape of a woman's dress at the lobby is the reason for you to go there and at least having a drink.

I thınk it’s worth seeing this Hotel which makes us feel like we are in a fairytale.It is near  the most lively streets of Milan ,Corso Como and Garbaldi.The lowest price is 230 Euro (breakfast included).I think ı must start to save money in case of staying there one day.

13 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi

Bistro Chairs

If you want to  feel  atmospheres at Paris Bistros in your house,Tolix chairs are suitable for you.They are redesigned buy Xavier Pouchard in 1934,and became a symbol of the Bistros.You can also see these chairs at Moma,Pompidou Center and Vitra Design Museum.In time it became a cult worldwide and it’s suggested for the exteiors.As you can see ,you may also use them in interiors easily.
You can find so many colors of these chairs.You may use just one color or many colors at the same time.It depens on your mood.If you like vintage you can also find the old ones,maybe the originals.And of course these stylish chairs are a little expensive.They start from 300 Euro a piece.You may get on the internet especially on the ebay.

Keyifli Bir Köşe

 Evinizde saatler geçirebileceğiniz keyifli bir köşe istiyorsanız, pencere önü oturma grubu tam size göre derim.Evinizde girintisi olan bir pencereniz varsa bu köşe uygundur.Eğer yoksa bile yanına koyacağınız büfe gibi yüksek mobilyalarla o girintiyi kendiniz yaratabilrsiniz.
Salonda,oturma odasında veya yatak odasında rahatlıkla uygulayabilirsiniz.Baza kısmını cekmeceli dolap olarak kullanabilir ya da raf raf yapıp kitaplık olarak düşünebilirsiniz.
İlla yeşillik manzaralı olmasına gerek yok bence yola bakıyorsa bile yoldan geçenleri izlemek de keyifli olabilir.Yastıklara gömülüp saatlerce kitap okuyabilir,kucağınızda laptopla vakit geçirebilirsiniz.Kendi adıma evimin olmazsa olmazlarından olacak diyebilirim.

3 Haziran 2011 Cuma

Bakış Açınızı Değiştirin


 Patrick Morris tasarımı olan Sky Planter saksılara tek kelime ile BA-YIL-DIM ! İster iç mekan da olsun ister dış mekan da olsun bulundukları ortamda bütün ilgiyi üzerlerine çekecekleri kesin.Genelliikle iç mekanlar için daha alternatif bir tasarım diye düşündüm.Özellikle dar ve kalabalık alanlar için.Sky Planter kullandığınız zaman çiçekleriniz koltukların arkasında ya da perde yanlarında unutulmaktan kurtulacak.
 Tasarımı her bakımdan avantajlı.Özel rezervuar sistemi ile ayda sadece 1 kere su veriyorsunuz ; yani artık ben kendime bile bakamıyorum bitkilere nasıl bakayım diye bahanelere gerek kalmayacak.Hem de düşünürseniz su tasarrufu yapmış olacaksınız.
 Ayrıca nasıl duruyor bu böyle dıye şaşırmayın kendi özel kilit sistemi var bitkinizi saksıya ektikten sonra kapağını kapatıyorsunuz ve böylece toprak korunmuş oluyor.
Sankı ben tasarlamışım gibi baya bir pazarladım ürünü ama gerçekten çok beğendim hatta siparişini verdim bile.Küçük olanları   £25 , büyük olanları ise  £59.Evinizde a da ofisinizde farklılık yaratmak isterseniz , http://www.rockettstgeorge.co.uk/outdoor-living-223-c.asp buradan satın alabilirsiniz.

31 Mayıs 2011 Salı

Boş Çerçevelerle Hareket Katın


Uzun bir aradan sonrakı ilk yazım boş çerçevelerle ilgili.İlla bir galeriden gidipte hem sanatsal değeri hem de maddi değeri yüksek tablolar almak zorunda değiliz evimizin duvarlarını süslemek için.Boş çerçeveler tahmin ettiğinizden daha şık durabilirler.Hem de çok uygun fiyata bu işi halletmiş olursunuz.İsterseniz altın varaklı çeşit çeşit çerçeve alın isterseniz düz renk alın isterseniz de rengarenk alın;bu  konsepti evinizin tarzına uydurmanız mümkün.Beyaz duvarda renkli veya siyah çerçevelerde çok şık duruyor.Yapı marketlerden aldığınız herhangi renk boya spreylerle kendi renginizi kendiniz de boyayabilirsiniz.Eğer hoşunuza gitmezse çerçevelere resim koymak yerine belki duvarın çerçevelerin içinde kalan kısımlarını boyayabilirsiniz.Bu da mekanı hareketlendirmek ve renklendirmek için bir alternatif olabilir.Başka bir alternatif ise aşağıdaki gibi çerçeveleri kurdela ile asmak.Kadife kurdela kullanarak seçiminizi ağırlaştırabilirsiniz

Yatak odanızın duvarında,salonda veya evini merdivenli ise merdiven boşluklarında bu çerçeveleri  kullanabilirsiniz.Her fiyata çerçeve bulmak mümkün.Bu konsepti yaklaşık 100 TL ye de uygulayabilirsiniz 500 TL  veya daha fazlasına da.Seçim tamamen size kalmış.